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Furry Coworkers Make You Kick Butt At Your Job And Help You Bring Home More Bacon

Though Take Your Dog To Work Day is easily the best weekday of the year (and happening soon!), why should we be limited to just one day a year to bring our dogs to work?

Evidently, we’re not the only ones who feel this way. According to the results of a survey put together by Banfield Pet Hospital, an overwhelming majority of people in the workplace believe that having a pet in the office improves both the mood and productivity.

After surveying more than 1,000 employees and 200 HR professionals from companies of all sizes and industries, Banfield found that the key to a stress-free workplace is a four-legged colleague. Employees and HR managers alike agreed that having dogs in the workplace improved morale, reduced stress, improved work relationships for everyone in the pawffice… er, office, not just the pup’s parent.

Tami Majer, Senior Vice President of People and Organization at Banfield Pet Hospital told Real Simple:

"Being able to take a time out from a stressful situation to pet a dog can really improve an employee’s well-being. Having a pet to interact with also lowers the barrier to meeting new people — it makes it easier for new associates to get to know their team and their workplace."

And who wouldn’t want to be a part of a team that included this fluffybutt?


The impact of pups at work is pretty insane – 82 percent of employees and 91 percent of HR professionals felt more loyal to a pet-friendly company. Fifty-three percent of employees working in non-pet-friendly offices even said they would be more likely to stay with their company should they implement a pet policy.


Hear that employers?! You may want to consider some new hires of the four-legged sort.



Written by: Morgan Greenwald 

Featured image via DogVacay

H/T to Real Simple


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