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One Of The World’s Largest Penguin Colonies Has Officially Disappeared - Arm The Animals Clothing LLC

One Of The World’s Largest Penguin Colonies Has Officially Disappeared

Thousands of emperor penguins are presumed dead after an unprecedented sea-ice collapse in the Antarctic — and now, experts are worried there will be more of these incidents as the Antarctic continues to warm.

Birds in this particular emperor penguin colony were raising chicks on a mass of sea ice in the Wedell Sea when a devastating storm blew through two years ago. This weakened the ice and caused thousands of young chicks to drown, officials with the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) said.

"The sea-ice that's formed since 2016 hasn't been as strong,” Fretwell told BBC. “Storm events that occur in October and November will now blow it out early. So there's been some sort of regime change. Sea-ice that was previously stable and reliable is now just untenable."

To help at-risk birds like emperor penguins and more, you can make a donation to Bird Life International.

Original post here.

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