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Rescue Dogs Will Take Over For Ball Boys At Tennis Tournament

Written by:  for the dodo-FEB 21, 2017

When the job is chasing down tennis balls, really who better to hire than a dog?

Credit: Brazil Open/Leandro Martins/DGW Comunicação

For the second year in a row, organizers of the Brazil Tennis Open will be welcoming in a group of eager canines to serve as "ball boys" during next week's tournament. But rather than merely serve as mid-match entertainment for animal-loving spectators, their participation throughout the games is about so much more.

All the pups involved have been rescued from abandonment — and now they're looking for new homes.

Credit: Brazil Open/Leandro Martins/DGW Comunicação

"No matter their origin or age, when they are loved and fed properly [rescued dogs] can be wonderful companions. [They can] play, learn new things and accomplish great deeds, " organizer Madalena Spinazzola said in a release. "They are dogs that have had difficulties in life, yes. But what we want to show is not the stories suffered in the past, rather to prove that, regardless of what they've experienced, they can be great companions today and in the future!"

Here's footage from last year's Brazil Tennis Open showing the dogs in action.

Best of all, the exposure has helped changed the lives of these pups for the better.

Last time around, every dog who participated was ultimately adopted into a forever home — and with any luck, this year will be no different.

Credit: Brazil Open/Leandro Martins/DGW Comunicação


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