HE'S SO EXCITED! Every once in a while, the Google Street View cars will capture something hilariously odd. Map Data: Google But when this Google car was taking photos throughout Japan's Kagoshima Prefecture, it found the best thing ever. Map Data: Google It was a TINY ADORABLE PUPPER. Map Data: Google The rest of the street view photos basically play out as a slide show of a dog getting VERY EXCITED and chasing a car, as dogs do. Map Data: Google COMMENCE THE NYOOMS. Map Data: Google NYOOM. Map Data: Google The dog corners like a champ. Map Data: Google Wait, where'd he go? Map Data: Google 💖 THERE HE IS! 💖 Map Data: Google Eventually the car hit a dead end and stopped taking photos. Map Data: Google So this is the last look we got at the very happy pupper in his pursuit. Map Data: Google You can go through the whole joyous sequence yourself here: Posted on April 11, 2018, at 11:50 a.m. Written by: Andy Golder BuzzFeed Staff Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/andyneuenschwander/a-dog-chased-a-google-street-view-car-in-japan-and